RPF hits out at NSCN (IM)


IMPHAL Nov 13:  The RPF in a press statement by its Publicity Secretary T Leisemba states that the Indian government conspires to create a sense of alienation among the different communities and it is their hidden agenda.

It mentions that the communities have nothing to gain by pitting their interest against each other and the conflict will benefit none but the government, it said.

Further, it mentioned that the NSCN (IM) has been in cahoots with the Indian military after 1997 and have been operating without restraint in Manipur and have been given a free hand by both state and central government. Mentioning the historical aspects of the Naga rebellion, it mentions that Isak Chishi Swu and Th Muivah worked for the cause of the Nagas, the latter formed the NSCN (IM) in 1980 with the aim of liberating the Nagas from the Indian rule and many were optimistic with their revolt. However, Muivah who alleged AZ Phizo and Shillong Accord 1975 for betraying the Nagas and selling off their rights is presently in collusion with the same Indian government, it said.

The NSCN (IM) along with the Indian Government has been creating a chaotic situation in the neighboring states and instrumental in igniting communal clashes at different occasions.

As many as 1614 lives have been lost since the early 1979 in Nagaland and many other Tangkhul and Zeliangrong villages in Manipur in the NSCN(IM) stuggle. Lives were lost in faction fights between the NSCN (IM) and NSCN (K) on April 30, 1988. In ethnic clashes between the Naga and Kukis, as much as 534 Kukis and 266 Nagas were killed,402 persons were handicapped and 5724 houses were destroyed.

It mentions that the Indian Government has another hidden agenda to supply weapons between the NSCN(IM) and ZUF at Khoupum Valley, the RPF called for unity amongst the different groups in the state and not to become a victim of the secret agenda of the Indian Government.


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