Unions urge employees to vote against SPF govt


IMPHAL, Jan 23 (NNN):  Thousands of Manipur government employees are unlikely to co-operate with the Congress-led Secular Progressive Front (SPF) in the coming January 28 polls as four employees` organizations have started a campaign by distribution of leaflets which says, “No 6th pay in toto, no vote for anti-employees Government.”

The four Government employee organizations which include JAC of AMTUC and AMGEO, MSSA, COTA and Manipur State Pensioners’ Union (MSPU) distributed leaflets exposing indifferent attitude of the state government over their long pending demands, including the Central 6th pay recommendation which it has failed to fulfill though the employees were time again assured by it in many occasions.

The leaflet, which was also distributed among various government offices, including the Manipur secretariat, says, ‘No equal treatment to all employees, no more SPF government.’

All the government employees should participate in the general elections and they also have the onus of carrying out their responsibility for the election process, but no chief minister of any State of India was ever elected for third term (except CPI-M leader, late Jyoti Basu), it says, adding that in Tamil Nadu, Jayalalitha-headed government was rooted out and set up a new government-led by Karunanidhi for its ill-treatment meted out against the Government employees. The Jayalalitha government came back to power only after it learnt the lesson.

The leaflet also says once boasted for being the government of the poor, the CPI-M government headed by Budhadev Bhattacharjee in West Bengal, which ruled the State for 40-long years, was ultimately dragged down from power for the reason that many were killed in its efforts to give away farmers’ land to Tata company.

“The question lies before us is that whether we should share or not in the formation or re-election of SPF government in the coming State Assembly elections,” the leaflet added.


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