Condemn the Murder of Richard Loitam


Condemn the Murder of Richard Loitam

at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi
29 April 2012
2 -5 p.m.

Stop Racial Profiling and Institutionalized Discrimination on Northeast People
Punish the Criminals

Mr. Richard Loitam, son of Dr. L. Rajeskumar of Uripok Yambem Leikai, Imphal (Manipur), a student of B. Arch (1st year) at Acharya’s NAV School of Architecture, Bangalore, succumbed to brutal attack by two hostel mates at the night of 17 in the hostel. The school authority had not only failed to intervene to prevent the crime but also had showed negligence and indifferent attitude towards Richard who was laying unattended on the pool of blood oozing out from the nose and ears the whole night. On the contrary the murder was concealed through fabricated story and false implication.

The murder of Richard occurred because of criminal negligence of the college authorities. Their acts of commission and omission indicate criminal conspiracy to protect the criminals. At the time of the preliminary inquiry the roommates were hiding away from the campus on fabricated pretexts which contradicted the attendance record. On the other hand the criminals are still scot-free. Although a case of unnatural death was registered, No 24/2012 u/s 174 (c) at Madanayakanahali PS (Bangalore Rural District), Karnataka, in much delayed time in the evening of 18 April based on an application filed by the hostel warden, there are indications of justice being suppressed by combination of money and muscle powers and racial discrimination on persons hailing from the Northeast region.

The official apathy, negligence, and indifferent attitude in handling the case illustrate denial of justice. It seriously invokes our concern over unabatedly institutionalized mayang racism towards the Northeast people. Many Northeast emigrants in the Indian metropolitan cities in search of job and for education are being racially profiled, selectively targeted, and denied of justice in several cases. It had humiliating effect and created an alarming situation. Should we not address the issue of toying us under the indifferent hype of the Indian hooligans and law enforcing agencies who misbehave against our dignity and sense of humanity? Should we not protest to defend our fundamental rights and honour & dignity?

The murder and murders of Richard Loitam
The institution and criminal conspiracy that covered up the crime and the criminals
Racial profiling and institutionalized discrimination on northeast people

Punish the murders
Punish the school principal and the hostel warden for harbouring crime and criminals
Punish the responsible police for showing dereliction of duty in handling the case
Immediate measures to prevent crime against Northeast peoples in India, particularly in the metropolitan cities and institutional establishments

Pamphlet circulated in public interest by the Manipur Students’ Association Delhi on 28th April 2012. Contact
MSAD at: 9716368513, 9015257070, 7503873671, e-mail: msad(dot)manipur(at)gmail(dot)com



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