CPI congress calls for revolt


IMPHAL, April 7: The 21st Congress of Communist Party of India (CPI) has called upon the people to rise in revolt against the pernicious economic policy of the government and urged its members and sympathizers to move the masses in the battle against price rise.

Briefing members of the press at Imphal Dr Nara said, ‘CPI stands for lifting of AFSPA and preservation of the integrity of Manipur in the wake of the talks of Greater Nagaland.

Dr Nara further said, nothing should be done which affects the territorial integrity of the North-Eastern states, particularly Manipur, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. This is one of the resolutions taken during the party Congress.

The 21st Congress of CPI was held at a time when the country is facing one of its gravest economic crisis and in the midst of severe slow down, inflation hitting the sky, investment tapering off, industrial production dipping low as never before, agricultural growth declining, external value of the rupee at its lowest, additional job creation on the slide, unemployment menacingly on the rise, income of the working masses grossly affected, poverty reaching new heights, peasants committing suicides, even farmers burning their crops.

Highlighting on the 21st Congress of CPI, Dr Nara said the party congress has called upon the people, particularly toiling masses to rise in revolt against the pernicious economic policy of the government that has significantly served more the interests of corporate both domestic and foreign.

The party Congress also calls upon the entire party, lakhs of its members and millions of sympathizers to rise to the occasion and move the masses in the battle against price rise, for effective measures to combat economic slowdown, against poverty, unemployment, more so against corruption, for revival of agriculture, etc.

He said Comrade S Sudhakar Reddy was elected as the new general secretary of the CPI along with 30 other National executive members, including him.


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