Tackle Hate Crime in India – suggestions submitted to Union Home Ministers’ Office by Justice for Richard Loitam



Of the Justice for Loitam Richard


Ref: 20120517 JFLR to MHA

To:      Union Home Minister of India

From: Justice for Loitam Richard

Goal:  Pushing hate out of our Indian communities

Date:  17th May 2012

Means to tackle hate crime in INDIA

With due recognition of the multi racial composition and inter-racial issues prevalent in India


The Government of India, as it officially strives to establish peace and order in order to defend a democratic parliamentary system in an atmosphere of the projected unity in diversity, must not fail to recognise multi racial composition of India and the phenomenon of racial discrimination as it exist distinctively amidst the myriads of socio-cultural discriminations prevalent in India.


Certain steps or measures are needed in making India recognize the multi-racial composition and for the protection and promotion of NorthEast (NE) people in the best interest of status quo and collective co-existence:


Identification of the challenges and barriers to the protection and promotion of personal security of students, migrant workers (employees), job seekers and tourists from the NorthEast region residing/ visiting in other parts of India and address social profiling of racial and ethnic minorities.

  1. Examine the legislative and administrative measures that are in place, and the efficacy in practice and specific inadequacies to address the problems of violence and other forms of abuses faced by students, migrant workers (employees), job seekers and tourists from the NorthEast region residing/ visiting in other parts of India.

  1. Recommend specific investigative and punitive steps under the existing law by an independent agency for the present and past cases/ incidences of crime including murder, assault, sexual abuse, rape, abuse or discrimination in institutions and workplaces committed against students, migrant workers (employees), job seekers and tourists from the NorthEast region residing/ visiting in other parts of India.

  1. Recommend concrete steps to be taken by the ruling central and state governments to strengthen security measures to protect and promote the safety and personal security of students, migrant workers (employees), job seekers and tourists from the NorthEast region residing / visiting in other parts of the country.

  1. Review the existing curricula of schools, colleges, higher institutions and technical institutions, universities including special institutions to train police and armed forces personnel in India with special attention to the inclusion of subjects about the history, culture and present situation of the communities of NorthEast region of India with a view to fill the large lacuna identified and enhance awareness and education about the region and its peoples among the young generations of India.

  1. Monthly induction program on inter-racial and ethnic issues mandatory for all students and employees of the country so that they are educated and sensitised on these important issues. Such induction programs are mandatory in western countries thereby reinforcing that racism won’t be tolerated at all.

  1. To initiate workshops/ symposiums on racial discrimination in India in every state for public to reinforce that racism won’t be tolerated at all.

  1. Make mandatory policies for the media (TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Internet, etc) to circulate advertisements, documentaries and films that reflect the multi-cultural and multi-racial composition of India. They should acknowledge the issues face by people of NorthEast India and implement means to positively change people’s perception towards NorthEast people and thus avoid the stereotyping and prejudice and consequent crime as a result of it.

  1. Make mandatory policies for the theatres/ cinema halls to show short documentary film to reflect the multi-cultural and multi-racial composition of India before they screen the main movie. Contemporary cinema and other media platform should be encouraged to reflect the diverse India and consider emphasising on NorthEast India and as such allow a positive change in people’s perception towards the NorthEast people.

  1. Make mandatory policies for the Outdoor Media (banner, posters, hoardings, etc) to acknowledge and reflect NorthEast India and thereby allow a positive change of people’s perception to treat NorthEast people with respect and dignity.

  1. The political leaders, actors, dignitaries, etc should be part of mandatory multidisciplinary team in the fight against hate crime and must conduct informed campaign to improve the effectiveness of the goal to tackle racism in India.

  1. We have serious concerns of the mechanically superimposed Indian National Anthem which doesn’t reflect anything at all about the vast and vibrant NorthEast. Parliamentary level discussion should be done to discuss this matter.

  1. Law against any racism/ discrimination, against any incitement to discrimination and against all forms of discrimination should be passed in the parliament, and should prove that racism won’t be tolerated at all in India. The stringent law is needed so that any racial stereotyping and prejudice can be held accountable and judicially restraint.

  1. Special Police Cell with (24×7 service with Toll Free number from landline and all mobile operators) both male and female officers from NorthEast should be deployed in all states for the security of the NorthEast population.

  1. Special Legal cell with both male and female officers from NorthEast should be installed in all states for the judicial protection of the NorthEast population.

  1. Exchange programs and social clubs at school, college, university, and other social networking levels.

  1. Adequate number of guest houses at subsidised and affordable rate for the NorthEast population in the prime locations in all the states with comfortable accommodation facilities and security guards, managed and run by the staffs from the NorthEast states.

  1. Many other suggestions need to be sought from the NorthEast.

Long Live Democracy!


[box type=”quote” size=”full” ] Union Home Minister Office has asked our suggestions to tackle hate crime in India. After taking the feedback of more than 2 lakhs members, we have submitted our preliminary suggestions to our Honorable Union Home Minister  – Justice for Loitam Richard[/box]

* The Press release is sent to KanglaOnline by Justice for Loitam Richard ,  info[at]justice4richard[dot]org


PDF Version

[pdf https://kanglaonline.in/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/20120517-From-JFLR-to-GOI-HM.pdf 650 800]


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