Assam Rifles: Determined to Dispel the Dark Shadows of Violence


By RS Jassal

In insurgency hit state like Manipur, it is fore-most duty of every well wisher of the state to search out for ways and means to bring peace.  And dividends of peace shape the revival of economy. Sound and performing economy is the Nadir for development of a society. Peace ushers in an era of security, prosperity and trust among the people. Manipur has seen for long disruption of development and denial of empowerment to its citizens. The irony is that there are some motivated anti national and anti – social elements which are bent upon creating a wedge between people and the establishment & people to people discrimination too. The desperation and destruction caused by disturbance and violence has deprived people of their right to peace prosperity far too long. The sole purpose of such terrorist activities of insurgents organizations is to create psycho-fear block human resource development bank mixed with mistrust and create impediments to retard  process of empowerment of people so that their selfish motives are achieved.

Assam Rifles under IGAR(S) provides assistance to Kapaar Kachoung orphanage. 2011-03-01 | by : IFP Photo
Assam Rifles under IGAR(S) provides assistance to Kapaar Kachoung orphanage. 2011-03-01 | by : IFP Photo

Assam Rifles in partnership with the Manipur Government has embarked upon a path of reconstruction to enable the various social groups at contradiction to reconcile within and shun divisive approaches to make optium use of central government developmental plans for social upliftment and ensure meaningful engagement in nation building activities. The efforts are to forgive and rehabilitate the misguided youths who were lured and forced to take the path of violence. Assam Rifles has taken the initiative to bring back the youth to their homes so that they can live a life of dignity in harmony with changing environments.

It indeed is a huge challenge for Assam Rifles to establish the bridge with the people to create conducive environment for these young boys to reunite with their families and society. The sincerity and honesty of purpose is paying dividends and the yesterdays terrorists are coming forward to join the main stream by shunning the path of violence. IGAR (South) in the last one year has brought back more than 190 such youths to the main stream which is not a mean gain for the village(s) and the State. This manpower is needed by the engine of growth set in motion by the state machinery to fill the wagons with constructive activities of the youth for safe pulling than presently engaged in doubling the pilferage activities with false glamour of gun and destruction. It is indeed a path-breaking step, a new dawn and a new beginning in the backdrop of dismay and deprivation.

The Assam Rifles is the happening arm of the government drawn from the people of the land. The frustration of few individuals is evident to thwart the endeavour of the state government and Assam Rifles. However the people have seen through the façade and the terror outfits stand exposed and discredited. They are making desperate attempts to malign the intent of the Assam Rifles and the Government by undertaking false propaganda. Their sinister designs stand exposed and the will of these terror outfits to progress their personal agenda will not succeed.

The state government has taken upon itself to rehabilitate and reform the lives of these youths. The efforts of the Government of Manipur under the leadership of Shri O Ibobi Singh has brought about positive change and it is an indicator that those who wish to return home to live with dignity will be more than welcome with open arms. The desire to come back home is ever increasing and large No of misguided youths are returning back to leave behind the dark shadows of terror and violence. It is a move forward. The parents are happy, the society at large is happy and government and Assam Rifles is prepared to take this endeavour to a logical conclusion. The fog of mistrust is lifting; prosperity is slowly but steadily making inroads into the society.The illusion of mistrust is bursting. However, the society should be cautious against these terror organisations because these unlawful organisations will make every effort to create mistrust between people and the law enforcing agencies. The role of citizens and NG
Os at this crucial juncture is of utmost importance to prevent the derailing of this process which has been set in motion by the public, Assam Rifles and the Government.

During my recent tour to the villages in the interiors of Hill district , at a few places, I had to act  Don Quixote hero of Spanish writer Cervantes to answer quizzicals ”sir, what will happen if Assam Rifles/Army withdraw after giving us peace”? Amusingly I answer” I am a retired person seen life both from uniform angle and aesthetical/ philosophical moorings from GuruDev Rabinder Nath Tagore who mentioned in Gitanjali to dream within real peace for  a hamlet where one can live a worry-free life. So once you are fully empowered by civ adm, police &your own country force, you wont be needing Army-Assam Rifles …….. how ever donot worry what I understand these forces will stay till you are capacitated to look after your self” …….. , So here also  I wish to see people moving into rural sector establing their farms etc & live & breath freely to realise the real wish of Guru Dev. So as a keen author and my interaction with senior Assam Rifles authorities I can say Assam Rifles will walk extra mile to bring smiles on the faces of the children and parents. Remember, Fear cripples the society, violence fractures the harmony and mistrust creates the wedge between the people but it is only the peace which dispels the fear, mitigates violence and build trust.  Fear is the worst enemy of a person and unlawful, weak administrators unlimited greed of all sorts by even wealthy drugs deal has gripped the present day society of Manipur into uncertainty. So let us all resolve to create peaceful hamlets & kick the helmet hells of the day away.


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