MCP general strike against price hike


IMPHAL, June 8: The Maoist Communist Party, Manipur (MCP) has decided to impose general strike including a series of agitations if all the traders in the state fail to sell every item at cheaper price within five days beginning Friday.

Saying that the traders in the state have remained fixed and controlled the prices of goods according to their own desire, the militant outfit MCP in a statement said it has decided to take up a new “revolutionary democratic movement” against price rise and that it  will never keep mum on this serious matter.

MCP alleged that since for the last many years, the traders in the state have secured a market monopoly which impacts the poor life of the farmers and labourers, thereby hampering the development pace.

The Maoist will try its level best to activate a mass movement in the years to come though many years have passed without such struggle against controlling of market and price system by traders, it added.

Saying the Maoist welcomes like-minded people to join the new movement, MCP maintained that it wants more concentration from the people in this regard because it is a desire of the outfit to discover on who are the real controllers of prices of all the commodities in the state.

MCP will impose general strike which might be followed by a series of agitations in the state if the traders fail to sell goods in cheaper price within five days beginning today, it further added.


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