In an another step towards raising voice in favor of Irom Sharmila, Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign (SSSC) has started an online petition drive from July 10 2012.

Volunteers of the campaign told that the petition drive will be observed from July 10 to July 20 and we have a target of 11000 letters (petitions) in these 11 days. They told that these 11 days and 11,000 petitions will symbolize the 11 years of hunger strike (and continuously going) observed by Irom Sharmila.
On the petition details , they told that anybody who support and feel that struggle of Irom should not get ignored and she has every right to be heard, can sign this petition and can send to Chairperson, NHRC through online signature/ E mails/ By post/ in person.
Online petition is available on
Sign the petition at:
You can take print and send petition letter through by post to:
Chairperson NHRC, copernicus marg, faridkoat house, New Delhi, India
[yellow_box]SSSC team will also meet with Chairperson, NHRC in person at New Delhi during this time. SSSC is a campaign , led by various social organizations and movements and receiving huge response from general public. Campaign has already organized various activities and have received lacs of signatures from public. SSSC is campaigning for Irom Sharmila on the humanitarian and democratic background. For being a part of SSSC and its activities, anybody can mail at or [/yellow_box]
* The press release is sent by Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign (SSSC) Team