Punjab born Worlds Oldest Marathon runner to relay Olympic Torch


Jul 21,  2:16 PM

This is for the second time in the last eight years that 101-year-young Fauja Singh will undertake the relay.

Fauja Singh: Punjab born Worlds Oldest Marathon runner to relay Olympic Torch
Fauja Singh: Punjab born Worlds Oldest Marathon runner to relay Olympic Torch , Photo Courtesy: Newsonair.com

Punjab born world’s oldest marathon runner Fauja Singh is to carry Olympic torch during the Olympic Torch Relay ceremony in London today. The London Olympics are commencing on July 27th.

Besides being a proud moment for Indians, it would be an honour for Punjab, whose son-of-the-soil will carry the torch in Newham—one of the six host boroughs for the Olympic in UK.

This is for the second time in the last eight years that 101-year-young Fauja Singh will undertake the relay.

Earlier, it was in Athens Olympic where he carried the torch in the realy.

Source: Newsonair.com


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