Manipur University Test for admission to MSc Biochemistry Course 2012



Manipur University Test for admission to MSc Biochemistry Course 2012 ,

1st August, 2012



It is hereby to inform to all the concerned that the written test of 1 hr duration for admission to MSc Biochemistry Course 2012 of Manipur University will be held on 7th August, 2012 at 12.30 pm at the Community Hall of Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal-795003.

The written test will be based on a common syllabus, a copy of which can be had from the Office of the Head, Biochemistry Department, Manipur University.

All the eligible candidates, list of which are displayed in the Departmental Notice Board, are required to collect the concerned test admit card from 1st to 6th August, 2012.

Any other information related to the admission test can be had from the Office of the Head, Biochemistry Department, Manipur University.


                                                                                 Dr. L. Rupachandra Singh

                                                                                Professor & Head

Copy to:

  1. The AR to Vice Chancellor, Manipur University

  2. The Registrar, Manipur University

  3. The Dean, School of Life Sciences, Manipur University

  4. The Head of the Department of ………………………….., Manipur University

  5. All teachers of the Biochemistry Department, Manipur University

  6. System Manager, Manipur University Website with a request for webcasting

  7. System Manager, with a request for webcasting

  8. System Manager, with a request for webcasting

  9. The Assistant Editor (News), All India Radio with a request to announce

  10. The Editor, Sangai Express (both English and Manipuri edition), Imphal for publication as a news item

  11. The Editor, Poknapham, Imphal for publication as a news item

  12. To all the non-teaching staff for their services for smooth conduct of the admission test

  13. Notice Board

  14. Relevant file

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* The announcement is sent to KanglaOnline by  Dr. L. Rupachandra Singh, Professor & Head, Biochemistry Department ,Manipur University, Imphal-795003


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