Khaplang to investigate Nungkao killing


Nagaland,DIMAPUR, August 24 (NNN): The Khaplang group of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) said that the August 17 incident when Zeliangrong Students Union, Manipur (ZSUM) secretary Chunthuigai Kamei got killed, would be investigated by the outfit and reveal the findings to the public.

It has been alleged that the NSCN-K cadres had killed the ZSUM leader on the fateful day.

On Friday, the NSCN-K said it has reviewed the statement of the Zeliangrong Citizens Forum (ZCF) in connection with the August 17 incident where two persons got killed in a “shootout”.

The NSCN-K said today that the incident would be investigated by the “centre” and thereafter, make the conclusion public to the society on circumstances leading to the said incident.

“Universally, no individual can take the law into one’s hand but the constitution of a nation rests with the government`s judiciary. The Naga NGOs should not immerse itself into the triads of emotion but maturely understand the law of the land. All forms of ultimatum does not lead to solution but the patient to wait in every ultimatum does not wear away the toughest stone”, stated the Khaplang group of the NSCN today.


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