Cyclist team


IMPHAL, September 21: According to a statement of the Manipur Cycling Association, 11 cyclists have been selected to participate in the 17th National Road Cucling Championship to be held at Muzaffarpur, Bihar from October 17 to 20.

The selected cyclists are K Amarjit Meitei, SAI (Senior Boys), Joyshree Keisham SCA (Senior Girls), H Sushikanta Meitei, SEYO and M Moramba Meitei SAI (U 19 Boys), E Chaoba Devi, SEYO, T Soniya Devi, SAI (U 19 Girls), Albert Oinam and Kh Chamba both from SAI (U-18 Boys), T Bidyalaxmi Devi CYLC (U 18 Girls), AK Bike Singh, NEROCA, L Suranda Singh SAI (U 16 Boys), Ch Priyanka Devi SAI, T Manorama Devi SCA, Kimneithen Lotsem SAI and H Bedana Devi ESU (U 16 Girls), Ph Chinglemba Singh, SAI, K Chinglen Meitei, SAI, N Birjit Singh, SAI and Y Surjit Meitei, ESU (U 14 Boys) and I Matouleibi Devi, SAI and Thao Anjali Chothe SAI (U 14 Girls).

The team will be led by T Jayenta Singh and O Basanta as Team manager and Coach, respectively.


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