Nominees of Manipur Film Awards 2012 announces


IMPHAL, SEPT 12 (NNN): Nominees for the first Sahitya Seva Samiti Manipuri Awards and Neta Irawat Leelarol Lifetime Mana 2012 have been announced today.

The awards which consist of eleven categories and the winners which will be awarded on September 23 at the auditorium of Library and Information Centre, Kakchin in Manipur under the aegis of Sahitya Seva Samiti, Kakching and Film Forum, Manipur.

The nominees selected for the best film and the best director are ” Saklon Amada ” directed by L. Surjakanta; ” Tilaikhumbi ” directed by Kh. Biswamitra and ” Thasi Thanou “, directed by Eepu.

Raju Nong (Tilaikhombi), Gokul (Luhongbagi Ahing), Kaiku (Saklon Amada) have been nominated for the best actors category while Seema (Thasi Thanou), Sonia (Tilaikhombi), Maya (Saklon Amada) and Bala (Luhongbagi Ahing) have been nominated for the best actress category.

Naoboy (Tinkhang), Sadananda (Taru Tarubi Maktabi) and Berlin (Saklon Amada) have nominated for the best male singer category while Pusparani (Luhongbagi Ahing), Mandakini (Tilaikhombi) and Sarita Gazmer (Thasi Thanou) have been nominated for the best female singer category.

For the best story category, G.A. John (Saklon Amada), Ranjit Ningthouja (Tilaikhombi) and Niladhaja Khuman (Tingkhang) have been nominated.

E. Enaocha (Tingkhang); Bijgupta Laishram (Luhongbagi Ahing) and Rakesh Roshan (Yairipok Thambalnu Amaga) have been adjusted for the best lyrics category while for the best music director category, Gopi (Luhongbagi Ahing); O. Geet (Tilaikhombi) and Tomba Thangjam (Yairipok Thambalnu Amaga) have been adjusted.

Nominees for Neta Irawat Leelaroi Lifetime Mana-2012, Loitam Tomal Singh of Sumang Leela and Kangabam Tomba Singh of Manipuri Cinema have been adjusted.

Addressing media persons, R.K. Jnan Ranjan, Director, Sahitya Seva Samiti said, “The nominees for different categories which they have announced are taken from January 2010 to December 2011. The winners will be given a cash award of Rs.10,000 each along with a memento while the winners for the best singer and the best lyrics will get a cash amount of Rs. 5000 each along with a memento.” 


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