SUK observes 1st foundation day


IMPHAL, September 18: The Students’ Union of Kangleipak (SUk) observed its 1st foundation day today its head office at Kwakeithel Thokchom Leikai.

The function was attended by AngomchaAraba, chief administrator, Life Watch, Jayentakumar Khuman, president, SUK, Justice Malemnganba, president, UNACSU, and Joy Chingakham, secretary general, FRIENDS as the chief guest, president and guest of honour respectively.  

Addressing the keynote, Santosh Lai, vice-president of SUK, said that SUK was formed in an aim to bring and provide better education for the students in the state and also to deal with the day to day problems faced in the society as the problems have also affected the students.    

Speaking at the function AngomchaAraba lauded SUK for its selfless act to bring better education system in the state and further advised the young students to work sincerely.

President of SUK, Jayentakumar Khuman, speaking at the function also expressed his disappointment over the state government’s failure to bring improvement in the education sector and said that during an inspection tour they had come across many government schools/colleges where the teachers were found acting irresponsibly by not taking class and doing other unrelated things.      

He also appealed the other students’ bodies to come together to workfor a better education system in the state.


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