Two Manipuri Books released at Montreal, Canada


Manipuri Books Released at Canada
Manipuri Books Released at Canada – Click to view more photos of the event

2 September, Montreal, Canada:

English Translation by Kapil Arambam**

In a simple gathering here,  two books — a collection of short stories, ‘Circus’, written by Thokchom Manihar and a poetry anthology, ‘Bangladesh Ki Akhannaba Manipuri Sheireng’, edited by Hamom Pramud — have been released under the aegis of the Ashangba Communication, based in  Imphal, Manipur. In the function, Nameirakpam  Ananta K. Singha, the founder of N Gopi Foundation and Dr. Budhchandra S Khundrakpam  also grace the function as the chief guest and the guest of honour respectively .

In the welcoming address, the Montreal-based Manipuri fashion designer, Bidyutparna  Lourembam  says the two authors have published several works elsewhere, but this is the first time that the Manipuri books have been published in this city. Bidyutparna adds, “Despite the hardship that we face outside our state, it takes a lot of courage to publish such kinds of books. Besides, this kind of effort also clearly shows, apart from the two writers’ attempt to add flavors to enrich our culture, their true love for our own language.”

Sorensangbam Ongbi Surja Rani, on behalf of the Manipuris in Montreal, also expresses her gratitude to the writers. The Manipuri Diaspora asserted the love for Manipur goes beyond any national boundary and physical distance. She also cited the writers are the reason why there is always a way a person can contribute for Manipur and that nothing can spoil the spirit of the Manipuris.

Nameirakpam Ananta Singha, while speaking at length about the function, says it is of great pride that there are writers in a place where there are only a few Manipuris. Dr. Budhachandra narrates the abstract of the books and expresses his heartfelt gratitude to attend such a function, far away from home. He also stresses that the younger generation will gain a lot from these books. A special refreshment comprising Manipuri foods follows the gathering. The programme ends with a short reading session by the two authors.


Canada gi Montreal da Manipuri  lairik ani  phongkhre

Ashangba Communication,  Imphal, Manipur na published touba Canadagi  Montreal da leiba  Shaknairaba Manipuri Writer Shonney ( Thokchom Manihar ) gi Khomjinba Wari macha gi Lairik  ‘ circus ‘   amasung Hamom Promud na Sompadona touba ‘ Bangladesh ki Akhannaba Manipuri Sheireng ‘ kouba   Lairik ani  Montreal gi Manipuri mayam mangda phongdokhre.

Ngarangi nungthil (Nongmaijing, 02 , September,2012 ) da pangthokkhiba lairik phongbagi thouram aduda Sri Nameirakpam  Ananta K. Singha, Founder   N GOPI FOUNDATION  na athoiba mithunglen  amasung  Dr. Budhchandra S  Khundrakpam  na akhannaba mithunglen oikhi .

Thouram aduda saruk yariba Montreal da leiba Manipuri miyambu taramna okladuna Fashion Designer Bidyutparna  Lourembam  na haikhi, ngasi phongliba lairik anisigi wrtiter animakna mamangeidasu lairik kaya phongkhre, adubu Montreal da asumna lairik phongbagi thouram pangthokpadi  handakki asina ahanbani.  Miramdam da leiraga awa-cheitheng kaya nanglabasu ninghannaba leitana iba leptaba amasung  Manipuri Sahitya da leichan kaya happirambasina takpadi Manipuri sahityakar  anisina Manipuri Lon amasung Sahitya bu thammoi sengna nungsi haibagi khudam ni haikhi.

Montreal da leiriba Manipuri mayamgi mihut sinladuna Sorensangbam ongbi Surja Rani  na  Writer anibu thagatpibaga  loinana haikhi , imaleibak- iramdam thadoraklabasu Manipuri Diaspora singna Manipurbu matam khudingmakta ningsingli amasung ngamjaba kharadi toubirammi haibadu aeeiba anigi lairik paruraga amadi neinaraga akhoina khangba ngammi. Mapan lamda leirasu Manipuri lon – sahitya bu nungsibiduna lairik phongbiribase pukning thougatningai ni.

Athoiba mithunglen oibikhiba Oja Nameirakpam Ananta Singha na Sahityakar anigi maramda  neinabaga loinana haikhi  Montreal gi Manipuri kharatang leijabasida imalongi  writer ama anitang oirasu leiribase akhoi Mont  realer Manipuri singi yamna chauthokchaningaini amasung writer anisina  anou anouba hiram kayagi lairik puthorakpa asi pukning thougatningai ni hainasu mayamda phongdok khi.

Athoiba Mithunglen oibikhiba Dr. Budhachandra na lairik anisigi maramda samlapna neinabaga loinana ningsingbirammi ngasi iramdam Manipur dagi tamna leirabasu asigumba thouram amada saruk yaba phangbasimak yamna laibak phaba amani, tungda hourakliba Manipuri new generation gi oinasu yamna tamjaningaini. Mapanda leirabasu Manipuri  culture & language manghannadana imung da family da  practice touba ta nattana lairik iba amadi Manipuri da book published touduna mayamda lanthokpibasi Montreal da leiba Manipuri ama oina asukki matik nungai haikhi.

Lairik Phongbagi Thouram ga loinana Manipuri cuisine gi mathen kayasu mayamda lanthoktuna lakliba mayambu Manipuri chak henjang chabinaduna iramdam Manipur bu ningsinghankhi.  Tungda ayeeba anina masha masha gi lairik tagi wari amadi sheireng paduna tahankhi.

* The above announcement is being sent by Hamom Promud , Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Contact Info: promudshamom{at}yahoo{at}ca

** A big thanks to Kapil Arambam for the english translation on behalf of KanglaOnline


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