Edu Min condemns alleged rape of school student


IMPHAL, October 26: Education Minister M Okendro Singh has strongly condemned the alleged rape case of a school girl speaking at the opening day function of the five day state level Aquarium Exhibition cum Flower Show at Manipur Science Aquarium, DM College campus.

The exhibition is being organised by Manipur Science and Technology Council, Imphal in Association with the International Plant Grower Association.

The opening day function was attended by Education/CAF and PD Minister, M Okendro Singh, Agriculture and Fishery Minister Md Abdul Nazir, Principal Secretary, Science and Technology, Member Secretary, MASTEC, LP Gonmei and Director, MASTEC, Th Surendranath Singh as chief guest, president and guest of honour respectively.

Addressing the function as chief guest, Minister Okendro lauded the organizers for organizing such type of exhibition which provides a platform for the public to see flowers of different variety and various types of indigenous fishes as well as fishes from the sea and other parts of the world.

He further said that the state education department is giving its best effort to provide better education system by even inviting suggesting from the general public.

But in the midst of all, hearing an incident where a school girl is rape by a police personnel and singer as well as digital film actor is very unfortunate and said that he strongly condemned such act and added that it should not happen again in the future.

A case has already been registered in regard to the case and if the accused persons are found guilty, they will be awarded befitting punishment according to the law, he said.

He further continued that the centre government has sanction rupees

26 crore for the vocational courses at 21 government run schools in the state.

The Education Minister also assured to release the pending nine months salary of primary teachers before Ningol Chakouba festival. The pending 19 months salary of contract teachers will also be release at the earliest. He had a meeting with Chief Minister regarding the pending salary, he added.

He also clarified regarding the demand for appointment of regular Principal in all the colleges by some students’ organizations. He said that the financial position of the state is poor right now and it is not possible to fulfil the demand as of now.


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