3rd eNorth East Award Summit 2012 & 4th SIKITEX 2012


We are pleased to invite you for the 3rd eNorth East Award Summit 2012 & 4th SIKITEX 2012. The two full days programme is being held on November 22-23 at Gangtok, Sikkim.

The two days prestigious event is organised by Department of Information Technology (Govt. of Sikkim) & North East Development Foundation.

3rd eNorth East Award Summit 2012 & 4th SIKITEX 2012
3rd eNorth East Award Summit 2012 & 4th SIKITEX 2012

The programmes consists of half day power panel summit, 8 parallel plenary, Award gala evening and 2 days SIKITEX exhibition. The programme is all set to have wholesome presence of Govt. of Sikkim and its departments, departments from other North East States, Central departments participation, industry presence, civil society and academic institutional presence and participation.

The 3rd eNorth East Award Summit is celebrating the best ICT for development practices, solutions and innovations in North East India across government, industry, civil society and academic sectors. A total of 35 winners, finalists, and presenters will showcase and share experiences in ICT and e-Gov applications during the Gangtok summit.

The 4th SIKITEX 2012 provides a excellent opportunity for big and small ICT entrepreneurs, solution providers, vendors, and others to showcase and demonstrate various ICT, e-Gov and e-infrastructure solutions having relevance in Sikkim and other States of North East India.

Registration is open for participants, delegates, exhibitors. For details the undersigned may be contacted.

For event participation you may log on to http://enortheast.in

sincere regards

Ms. Fahmida Tasneem
Mob: 09706149298 / 08011051307


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