Rain disrupts life in Ukhrul


from John K. Kaping
UKHRUL, Nov 6: “Cold November rain” brings Ukhrul, a season of chill and cloudy winter.

A non-stop heavy rain in Ukhrul District for the last three days has completely soaked the land and affected the normal daily activities of the people.

The incessant heavy downpour has not only brought the “bitter winter” season but also inconveniences to the people of the district dwelling in the North, East West and South villages as in fact all far flung village roads are reportedly blocked due to heavy land or mud slides besides the factual kutcha muddy roads condition.

The village folks are indeed finding it immensely troublesome to go and come-out of their own villages as free vehicular movements is impossible on the village roads these days, most villagers engaging in urgent works in Ukhrul town are left with the option of walking through many, many miles to reach the only viable black-topped roads where one can catch a passenger vehicle to reach Ukhrul town. Besides all odds and troubles, the worst victimized section of people are those who are sick and women and children.

Owing to the present road conditions that spells muddy and deplorable in almost all lanes leading to school institutions in Ukhrul, there is a report of many students remaining absent from attending their classes because of their uniforms getting soaked with muddy waters even though they use umbrellas and rain coats. Also, many school children are reportedly staying at home these days due to cough and minor fever sicknesses.


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