NSCN-IM on killing of Kipgen


DIMAPUR, Dececmber 22 (NNN): “The fact that the 43 Assam Rifles killed Paohullen Kipgen of Henbung village Tatar (the outfit`s member of parliament), GPRN belonging to Kuki Tribal Union exposes another ugly face of Assam Rifles.,” the NSCN-IM said today.

The NSCN-IM alleged that the incident was purely an act of cowardice to have shot dead a person of such stature in such cold blooded manner after pulling out from his house. “The recorded history shows that Assam Rifles in connivance with anti-Naga forces targeted NSCN members for the heck of suppressing the Naga political struggle,” it added.

“Paohullen is person of great integrity and has been working tirelessly among the Kukis in particular and Nagas in general for what he believe is his duty to the people and to the Naga nation.In his dead the NSCN have lost a person who could have made great contribution with his highly influential workmanship among the Kukis.His brief service for the NSCN/GPRN will be recorded in the history of the Naga nation.May God bestow strength and comfort to the bereaved family members of late Paohullen at this hour of grief and sorrow.May his soul rest in eternal peace and may his dead inspire many more Kukis to follow his footsteps,” the NSCN-IM said.

Meanwhile, the Kuki Tribal Union of NSCN-IM expresses great shock over the killing of Paohullen and stated that KTU is not against any group. It stands for peace and harmony among different revolutionary groups.Why he has to be targeted and killed in such manner is a matter of serious probing for KTU.But the evil design of Assam Rifles the KTU shall ever condemn.


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