Nagaland: Understanding, respect key to department’s road to progress: Kiyanilie

By Oken Jeet Sandham
Nagaland,KOHIMA, Mar 20 (NEPS): Minister for Social Welfare Kiyanilie Peseye said they could do many things under his department when there was “understanding and respect” amongst the officers and staffs in the department. He did not buy the idea that the department was small saying that the department was vast and big and basically it was dealing with human services in the State. The department was not only acting as a service provider to the weaker sections of the society but also catalyst for bringing changes to the society.
Kiyanilie Peseye (right), Minister for Social Welfare, seen delivering his maiden address to the  Officers and staffs of the Department at Conference Hall of Social Welfare Directorate March 20, 2013. (Oken Jeet Sandham Photo)
Kiyanilie Peseye (right), Minister for Social Welfare, seen delivering his maiden address to the Officers and staffs of the Department at Conference Hall of Social Welfare Directorate March 20, 2013. (Oken Jeet Sandham Photo)
Addressing the Officers and staffs of the Social Welfare Department here at the Directorate Conference Hall Wednesday for the first time after his taking over the Minister in-charge of the Social Welfare Department, the Minister narrated about his long innings in the Government service before joining the State politics. “We should know how to respect senior officers and also all should develop the culture of understanding amongst the officers and staffs of the department,” he said adding, “Only after that will we have not only a very peaceful environment for working for the welfare of the people.”
The former Nagaland speaker for two consecutive terms said after becoming speaker of the Nagaland assembly, he did not have time to speak. “But today, I am here as Minister and will always have time to speak to you,” he pointed out asking them not to have any hesitation to meet him if they had any problem. “We will attend to such problem for solution.”
He said they had many things to do in the department but as human beings, they had many failures too. “We should learn lessons from such failures but wehave put efforts to move forward,” he added. “We have taken our salaries, so we have to do something.”
Stating that people who were serving in the directorate and secretariat here at the capital were very lucky unlike serving in far flung areas, the Minister urged the officers and staffs to be sincere, punctual and devoted to their services. “We have to maintain transparency and accountability in our department,” he stated adding, “Integrity is uprightness that will not compromise with expediency.”
Assuring the officers and staffs of the department, Peseye said he would try his best to see that the department grew bigger and bigger and the benefit should reach the targeted. “I don’t know how long I will be here as Minister with you, but so long I am here as your Minister, I will do my best for not only your interest but also for the interest of the people,” he said. “If God willing I will be with you for 5 years.”
Secretary of the Social Welfare Department, Kihoto Sema also spoke on the occasion. He expressed his happiness on having a full-fledged Minister to head their department after many years and exuded confidence that they would be able to do their work vigorously under the wisdom and guidance of the Minister.
Assuring the full cooperation from the officers and staffs of the department to the Minister, the Secretary said they would have peaceful working environment for the next five years under their full-fledged Minister.
Additional Secretary, Additional Director T Merangtsungba Aier, other officers and staffs also shared of the department’s history and various works and schemes they had been carrying out in the state.
President of the Western Angami Public Organization (WAPO) Vikehielie Victor also spoke on the occasion. He said the department was lucky to have in the person of Kiyanilie Peseye as their Minister and further described it as “right person sent by God for the department.” Expressing his confidence that under his able guidance the department would be able to deliver goods to the people, the WAPO president also appealed the officers and staffs to extend their fullest cooperation to the Minister so that together they could perform well.

Earlier, Director of the Social Welfare Department Khevito T Shohe, while welcoming the Minister, said many took the department was only working for providing “biscuits and milk” but it was more than that. He said earlier the department was under a Parliamentary Secretary but now it would be under a full-fledged Minister. “So everything will be different from now onwards,” he said.


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