United Naga Council political tour in Chamdil – Chandel



Dated Tahamzam, 7th April, 2013


The first leg of the United Naga Council(UNC) political tour in Naga areas was undertaken in Chamdil(Chandel) district in association with the Chandel Naga Peoples’ Organisation and the 7 constituent tribes councils of the region from the 5th to 7th April, 2013. The political tour was carried out mainly with a view to study the socio-economic conditions of the Nagas which is weakening by the day and to verify the tall claims made by the Government of Manipur on schemes/projects submitted in the tripartite talk as development initiatives taken up by them in tribal areas. Interactions were held with village chiefs and social leaders across the district and the common refrain was the loss of hope for a future with dignity on all fronts under the communal Government of Manipur.

UNC political tour - Joint meeting with frontal organisations at MACA Hall, Chamdil(Chandel)
UNC political tour – Joint meeting with frontal organisations at MACA Hall, Chamdil(Chandel)

The touring team also discussed issues on the proposed Chakpi River Multi Purpose project with members of the Committee Against the construction of Chakpi Dam. The anti-people development aggression of the Government of Manipur which would uproot thousands of indigenous tribals from their own lands was the shared concern and such incursion without the free, prior and informed consent of the people should be resisted with all possible means.


The tour programme concluded with a joint meeting with frontal organisations including the Naga Women’s Union Chandel, Nagas Student’s Union Chandel, the Tribe Councils, the Chandel Naga People’s Organisation and several social leaders The contours of the tripartite talk process on the demand for an alternative arrangement outside the Government of Manipur was highlighted in the joint meeting which also emphasised on the need to be organised and be in continued preparedness for taking forward the people’s movement to its logical conclusion.

33 Kv Sub station at Saluk, Chakpikarong reported as 50% completed.
33 Kv Sub station at Saluk, Chakpikarong reported as 50% completed.

The abduction of Mr. H. Khangba, President of the Thangal Naga Union by an armed group was strongly condemned in the joint meeting. The meeting took strong exception to the irreverence for the respected office of a tribe social organisation and urged all peace loving people to condemn the act so that such abominable deeds do not occur in the future.


The entire tour programme was hosted by the Lamkang Naga Union.

Publicity Wing

United Naga Council


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