Refresher Programme for Teachers


    IMPHAL, June 11: A refresher cum training programme for the teachers of Thoubal district under Sarva Siksha Aviyan (SSA) has begun today at Lamding Model High School, Wangjing. The training was conducted for the in-service block research centre (BRC) for the year 2012-13.

    The programme coordinator, SSA of Thoubal block has organised the ten days refresher cum training programme. On the inaugural session, Kh. Amuba Singh, DPO SSA Thoubal and H Priyokumar Singh DI ZEO Zone III Thoubal were on dais as chief guest and president while M Bihari Singh DI Zone III Thoubal, P Suresh Singh DPM SSA Thoubal took part in the function as guests of honour respectively.

    The teachers’ training programme will be concluded on June 20, 2013 during which many resource persons will deliver lectures on different area.  It is notable that altogether 400 teachers were participating.


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