ADC Sadar Hills conducts medical camp at New Keithelmanbi area


KANGPOKPI, November 18: With the aim and objective of bringing Sadar Hills, a healthy and hygienic district Autonomous District Council Sadar Hills under the initiative of Lunthang Haokip, executive member (vety and med) conducted Free Medical Camp at Kangpokpi, Saikul and Saitu block of the district which came to an end today at New Keithelmanbi area.

The free medical camp today in New Keithelmanbi area under Saitu block, Sadar Hills has been conducted at Sinam Khaitong village along NH-37 around 15 Km, from the state capital.

More than 450 patients within the area availed the medical facilities provided the camp while more than 250 animals received the facilities.

Apart from the general public, students of DM Eng School and Bethel Christian Eng School also availed the facilities.

The medical team comprised of four doctors, five nurses and three pharmacists led by Lunthang Haokip, EM (Vety.&Med), ADC Sadar Hills were engaged in the camp.

Local MDC Khupsong, Kuki Inpi Moltam Lhang and area chiefs also took part in the camp.

While speaking on the sideline of the camp, Lunthang Haokip said that during the free medical camp organized and conducted within the district by ADC Sadar Hills, it came to light that the district has been drastically neglected by the state govt.on medical ground.

“It is very unfortunate to learn that non-availability of sufficient medical facilities in the district render the peoples tremendous hardships in their health care”, asserted Lunthang before adding that no medical facilities like dispensary, PHC, etc. is seen between New Keithelmanbi and Tupul except the lone PHC Sub-Centre at Charoipandongba where there is no doctors and nurses available.

He appealed the state govt and the concern authority in particular to install sufficient medical facilities in the district at the earliest on public interest.

The EM also expressed gratitude to Kuki Inpi Moltam Lhang and the area chiefs for their cooperation towards the camp.


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