KOHIMA, Nov 6 (NEPS): Hukupa Thulu-o, first title holder of the Mister International India 2013, is now ready to vie for the prestigious “Mister International 2013 Title Contest” to be held at the Great City of Jakarta next week onwards. First Naga to crown “Mister International India 2013,” Hukupa Thulu-o looked confident of gracefully taking on other “Contestants” coming from various parts of the world and expressed the hope that his taking part in the world class male pageant of “Mister International 2013 Contest” would certainly bring changes not only in his life but also to millions of youth in the country in general and northeast in particular.
On the eve of his leaving for the “Mister International 2013 at Jakarta, Indonesia beginning November 11,” Thulu-o, while talking to NEPS, shared about his mix-feelings of his crowning the prestigious “Title” of the Mister International India 2013 and then taking part in the upcoming world class male pageant contest at Jakarta, Indonesia.
“I am feeling nervous and excited at the moment to take part in such a mega world class male pageant contest,” he said. “But I have full confidence that I can make it and really I can’t wait a moment.” He also shared about his regular workout and other items pruning his personality for the contest.
28 years old of nearly six-footer title holder of the Mister International India 2013, from Phusachodu Village under Phek district of Nagaland, is the only son of Mr Dozhohu Thulu-o and Mrs Dusulu Thulu-o and a close family member of the present Speaker of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, Chotisuh Sazo.
“One of my main constant mentors is Speaker of Nagaland Legislative Assembly, Chotisuh Sazo, who is not only very close to my family but also the man behind my mission,” Thulu-o replied when asked who were the motivators and mentors for his success in the “Mister International India 2013” and then taking part in the upcoming prestigious “International Mister 2013 Contest at Jakarta, Indonesia.”
There are also numerous friends, supporters and fans who have been supporting me morally, physically, materially and in mass and social media for the upcoming event at Jakarta. “I am so indebted to all of them for their constant supports throughout my journey and I hope they will continue to pray and support as I am vying this prestigious International Mister 2013 at Jakarta,” he said.
Thulu-o also crowned Mister Nagaland 2009 and also in the first 5 Finalists of the Mister Northeast 2009, besides being adjudged as the Mister Northeast Personality. Currently he also runs a Gym at the State Capital Kohima that was assisted by Sazo.
He, however, left a strong message before leaving Nagaland for Jakarta as saying, “I believe that nothing is impossible if one works hard and on top of it, I have faith in God.” “Please pray for me,” he said. He is leaving Kolkata for Jakarta onNovember 9.