UNC acknowledges cooperation to bandh call


SENAPATI, Dec 17 (NNN): The United Naga Council said today that it acknowledges the cooperation and solidarity of the general public in the observation of the 48 hours total bandh on NH 37 from the midnight of December 12.

According to the UNC, the protest against the disrespect for the democratic process of tripartite talk of the Government of India, Government of Manipur and the UNC on alternative arrangement outside Government of Manipur and willful refusal to take the same to its logical conclusion has been clearly reiterated. The Government of Manipur continues to make sweet talks that all issues and grievances can be dialogued.

“We are for all round development and opportunities for our people. This can truly come only through political empowerment which is the core issue of the tripartite talk,” it added.

This is the message that has been conveyed through the 48 hours bandh on NH 37 and we congratulate the tribe apex bodies and frontal organizations for effective and peaceful observation of the same, the Naga body said.

“The bandh may have inconvenienced many and dislocated scheduled programmes. Such are not losses but are valuable contributions to the people’s movement. We shall continue to count on and look forward to the cooperation of the public as we proceed with the endeavour to secure the rights of our people,” the UNC said.


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