Raj Polyclinic condemns demand of Rs 20 lakh as compensation


IMPHAL, January 25: Authorities at Raj Polyclinic has condemned the demand of Rs 20 lakh as compensation by the family of an patient from the hospital.

“Sushmita Rai was admitted to the emergency and trauma unit on January 10 the past year with a complaint of vomiting caused by falling from a moving vehicle. She was conscious but her condition deteriorated afterwards. An NCCT scan revealed that she had undergone scalp hematoma and she was admitted under a neurosurgeon, Dr.W Motilal Singh,who operated her on the day,” Haobijam Rajen, Maniging Director, Raj polyclinic, said in a press meet at his chamber.

The hospital authority arranged one unit of blood after taking into account the family’s financial condition as saving the patient was the responsibility of the hospital. She was referred to ICU for further treatment.

Meanwhile, as the treatment was going on the patient’s family requested to treat her only for the head injury as they will take care of the rest. As Susmita’s BP was extremely low, the concerned doctor advised her to be provided with a heater in spite of it being strictly prohibited inside the ICU room.

On the next day, the doctor found boils on her toes which resulted from the treatment received under her mother’s watch by a quack. On January 30, Sushmita Rai left the hospital against the doctor’s advice without clearing the dues of the charges of treatment, he continued.

Unfortunately, the family of Rai has filed a complaint to the Manipur state legal aid clinic, Cheirap Court against Raj Polyclinic. On July 2, 2013, a directive from the court summoned the team of Dr Motilal and the MD of the clinic to appear before the court. On that day, the court directed to treat the patient’s wound by the hospital at free of cost.

She was admitted to the hospital on the same day and allotted a single room with fooding and all her expenditures were borne by the hospital authority.

A surgery of her limb was performed and her toes had to be imputed. Discharged on August 31, 2013 from the hospital, she was advised for a follow-up check. But they didn’t turn up to the hospital for the check up, he added.

After a few days, the Rai family submitted a letter to the hospital demanding a sum of Rs 20 lakh as compensation for Sushmita Rai signed by her mother, Aling Rai, and father, Sarat Rai and Th Priscilla, president, Namdilong Women Development Society.

A patient needed to be checked from time to time to the hospital in such cases. It is an appeal to the media to take comments from various parties while reporting. The motto of our clinic is to serve the people and help the people, the MD concluded.


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