Mainland Indians do not accept the North Easterners: MNF


AIZAWL, February 17 (NNN): Mizo National Front (MNF) has said today that the people from central India do not accept the North Easterners as Indians.

MNF vice president Tawnluia said today in a function in Aizawl that the mainland Indians club the North Easterners with those of Thais, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans etc., etc..

Sharing his experience of traveling to central India, the MNF leader said the mindset and attitude of the mainland Indians towards the North Easterners are too bad.

On behalf of his party, Tawnluia strongly condemned the series of attacks in New Delhi on the North Easterners. “How can these things are possible which are happening right under the nose of the Prime Minister of India?” asked Tawnluia.

The MNF leader`s comment came few days after the Mizo Students Union (MSU) had stated that the time will come when the people of Northeast India would have to find an alternative to merge the region with others for safety if the Indian Union is not able protect the people of the region and provide security.

MSU president Zodinpuia had said that racial discrimination and harassment against North Easterners in any form which is rampant in mainland India especially in Delhi is ridiculously barbaric and therefore abominable.

“None can predict that discrimination and harassment on racial or regional line against the North Easterners unless shunned, might not invite violent in the country,” the MSU president asserted adding that the time will come when the people of Northeast India would have to find an alternative to merge the region with others for safety if the Indian Union is not able to rule over the region and provide security to the people, MSU president had warned.

In the memorandum to the President of Indis and the Prime Minister, MSU had stated that it has always a genuine conviction that our great Nation is a land where people of myriad tongues, caste, creed and religion live in harmonious coexistence, enjoying equal protection of law. However, of late, instances of discrimination, harassment and perceptible threat on communal line have become rampant in the national capital the brunt of which are bear by the people from the North East states in general and the students and employees from the region in particular. The memorandum also strongly condemned racial discrimination and prejudice on regional ground and demanded the Central government intervention regarding the ugly development faced by Northeast people and thus take serious note of the safety and welfare of the community from the North East region.

MSU in its memorandum vehemently condemned the incident of brutal rape committed on under aged Mizo girl on the fateful night of 7th February. It strongly blamed the Delhi Police for its laxity and indifference to recognize the crime.

New Delhi against the North East communities. It would be justifiably correct to say that people from the North East states in general and the students and workers from the region in particular bear the brunt of such hate crimes perpetually being committed.

“MSU is astonished at the lackadaisical attitude of the Delhi Police that refuses to register the First Information Report filed by the victim. Such treatment meted out by the Delhi Police only proves that the discrimination being faced by the community from the NE Region is very deep rooted and prevalent even at the administrative level of the Delhi government and the Centre,” the memorandum stated.

The memorandum further asked the Central government to seriously consider the issues raised in the memorandum and take positive actions without delay.


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