NPF rubbishes BJP claim of new joinings


IMPHAL, February 2 (NNN): The Naga Peoples Front (NPF), Manipur State has dismissed the purported joining of NPF leaders to the BJP fold in Manipur.

The NPF, Manipur State said no NPF leaders had joined the BJP so far and “none of our leaders will join the BJP.”

In the past few days the news of NPF leaders joining the saffron party have been reported in local dailies.

“They are not leaders of NPF. It is a game-plan of some vested interest persons doing the cheap publicity gimmicks before the Lok Sabha poll. Such gimmicks can no longer fool the people these days,” NPF leaders said today. “Some politicians who were ministers some twenty years ago are also trying to invest old-fashioned politics in these highly sophisticated era. We feel pity for them. We will like to remind them that those cheap politics are no longer relevant these days,” advised the NPF leaders.

The NPF leaders then accused some national political parties of trying to attach the regional parties with communal tag.

“We will teach them a big lesson when the time is right,” asserted the NPF leaders.

Meanwhile, full preparations are on for the final district level political conference for Sadar Hills and Senapati district at the district headquarter on February 12. According to NPF leaders, the party leaders from Nagaland will also participate in the Senapati event.


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