Ibosana JAC storms Kakwa Police Station


IMPHAL, March 12: A sit-in-protect was held in Kakwa and its surrounding areas under Singjamei Police Station for the brutal murder of M Ibosana. Co-convenor T Nando said that culprits should be arrested as soon as possible.

After the sit-in-protest, people from different areas of Kakwa gathered at the Singjamei Police station in Kakwa to find out the culprits of M Ibosana.

He said that JAC had also submitted a memorandum to Deputy CM and CM. He said that the incidents were condemned for its inhumane nature.

General secretary of South Youth Education Sporting Social Development Association, Liwa Pukhi Achouba Leikai, Khanba Laishram said that many crimes were done but the state government didn’t met punishments till now and they have been hiding the culprits.

After a gathering at the Kakwa PS, police officers including OC Santosh talked with the JAC. A police personal said that they have nabbed some of the culprits but if they announced their names than the remaining culprits might escape.

A source from the Kakwa police station said that if it flashed the news it wouldn’t be able to catch the remaining culprits. It was because of this reason that the security force didn’t mention anything to the public, the source added.

JAC mentioned that if the culprits are not arrested within one week than it will initiate further steps.


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