What Substances Are Known As `A Balanced Diet`?


By Pr. Kungsong Wanbe

A balanced diet include both dietic and physical control living. Many people are sick because they have not learned how to care for their bodies properly and what should they eat. Some have learned how to live healthfully but they have neglected to do anything about it, so they suffer as the result of their negligence. To take balanced diet for healthy and to live longer it is best to start early in life teaching children how to be strong and healthy. For building healthy people there are seven foundation stones. They are as follow:

1. Exercise, 2. Rest, 3. Fresh air, 4. Good diet, 5. Water, 6. Sunshine, 7. Good and calm thinking. These factors should be in proper balance.

That, the so called balanced diet is not hard to maintain. Once we understand the basic principles of nutrition we must follow the under given seven groups of dietic. They are as follow:

1. Protein, 2. Fat, 3. Carbohydrates, 4. Vitamins, 5. Minerals, 6. Bulk-quantities, 7. Water. These seven constituents can be broken down into three groups. They are as follow:

1. Growth and repair foods: Foods that produce growth and repair are the protein foods such as dairy products, legumes, some grains, nuts and even some green leafy vegetables which should constitute about ten percent of our daily diet.

2. Heat and Energy food: Foods that produce heat and energy are the carbohydrates such as cereals, bread, legumes, sugar, vegetables, fruits and also fats are olives, vegetable oils, margarine, dairy products, avocados, and nuts. They should constitute about ninety percent of our daily food intake.

3. Body Regulators: Water, Minerals, vitamins and cellulose such as vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts. These keep the body running smoothly. Water especially is a good regulator. It helps every organ of the body toward efficient operation. It helps to unclog the machinery.

In planning a daily menu, take care to see that the following are included:

1. Two to four glasses of milk or substitute, including what is used in cooking.

2. One green and one yellow vegetable in one raw.

3. Two servings of fresh fruit.

4. Citrus fruit or tomato.

5. Two servings of legumes, nuts or soya products.

6. Four servings of whole grain cereals or bread.

7. Two tablespoonfuls of wholesome fats, oil, olives, avocado.

Lastly but not the least, here is a group of seven hints to help us improve our family`s nutrition. They are as follow:

1. Eat a wide variety of foods such as fruits, vegetable, grains and nuts although not at one meal. Eat vegetables and fruit at separate meal. Eat unrefined foods, those that have not been altered in manufacture and those to which chemicals and additives have not been introduced.

2. Eat foods that contain mostly unsaturated fats liquid or soft rather than saturated hard fats. Vegetable and grain oils are preferable. Animal products rank high in saturated fat.

3. Eat at regular hours two or three meals a day and nothing between or late at night. Allow five hours between meals to avoid overcooking our digestive organs.

4. Eat a hearty breakfast rich in protein.

5. Do not overeat. Eat the quantity of food that will keep your weight at the desirable range for your height and build.

6. Drink plenty of water but not during meals. Chew your food thoroughly and do not wash it down. Drink water on awakening and between meals.

7. Relax and enjoy your food. Do not rush but think about pleasant things. If your eating habits have not been good, start now to remedy the situation. Be healthy and happy.


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