After ‘leave camp’ demand, locals raise ‘cancel URF SoO’


IMPHAL, May 30: The JAC formed demanding the immediate shifting of the URF designated camp from Loitang Khonou, Spinning Mill has warned to launch several forms of agitation in case the government failed to provide positive response to the demand by Saturday 10am.

In this regard, the JAC president Kh Ibeton Devi said the JAC and family members of the two URF cadres whose bodies were found buried inside the storeroom of the designated camp have already submitted a memorandum to the minister concerned yesterday evening.

While declaring the incident as heinous, a family member of one of the two dead cadres urged the government to take proper action and to cancel the SoO signed with the outfit.

Addressing the media at the Manipur Press Club today, Kh Ibeton Devi said the memorandum has warned that the JAC and the family members are ready to launch several agitations including a State wide general strike in case the government fail to take any positive action on their demand.

She said yesterday, locals of several villages staged a sit in protest near the Loitangkhunou Spinning Mill and later took out a rally around the camp.

The memorandum has also demanded the minister to arrest the culprits involved in the killing of the two at the earliest and to punish them accordingly.

Even though the memorandum had demanded the government to take some positive steps during the deadline set by the JAC, till now there has been no such response from the government, she said.

The JAC and family members will join hands with the various civil society organisations of the State and launch agitations.

A family member of one of the dead cadres said, the act is highly condemnable as the cadres had joined the peace process by signing a memorandum with the government with an aim of returning to the mainstream, she said.

She lamented after the two were reported missing, the family members had contacted the leaders of the outfit who told them repeatedly that the two had deserted the camp during the intervening night of March 18-19 and on May 28 their bodies were recovered buried inside the store room of the designated camp.

She called on the government to take proper action against all involved in the crime and to cancel the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the outfit.



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