Road work blocks drain causing flood in Ishok


BISHNUPUR, May 11: A few days of rain has caused an artificial flood at Ishok Awang Seram Leikai enraging the local populace.

Earth excavated from the Inter Village Road for its upgradation to Middle District Road has been piled up along the road, resulting in the artificial flood.

The work for the road upgradation had started some three months ago, said locals.

The excavated earth has blocked the natural drainage system running along the IVR, thereby blocking the rainwater.

Residential courtyards in the locality are all inundated by the flood, while in several households, water have already seeped into their houses.

When locals went to the contractor concerned and urged him for the construction of a new drainage system alongside the road, they were told that there is no fund for unallocated construction of a drain, the locals complained.

Angered by the “unruly reply” of the contractor, the locals have dug out a drain of 2-2.5 feet in breadth to drain out the water to the nearby ponds and placed wooden planks on across the drains to cross it.

The villagers have urged the concerned authorities to look into the matter at the earliest, considering the problems faced by the people.

They have also demanded the authorities concerned to complete the road work and to include a drainage system along the road at the earliest.


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