Rangia SDPO deposes before court in Meghen’s case


IMPHAL, May 31: Failure of the prosecutors to produce its witnesses in time continues to hamper the proceeding of the case lodged against United National Liberation Front (UNLF) chief, RK Meghen alias Sanayaima.

The UNLF chief and his 14 associates were again produced before the court this morning around 11 am.

Yet again a prosecution witness of the two who was supposed to appeared today, identified as MC Kuli, digital expert of forensic science laboratory, failed to turn up. Today’s was the fourth instance when the said witness has failed to respond to the court summon.

According to a source, only one prosecution witness Kautishwor Gogoi, sub-divisional police officer, Rangia, Assam, appeared before the court today as prosecution witness.

Gogoi was the officer in-charge, Noonmati police station in 2010. His statement was recorded by the court and later cross examined by defence counsel, informed the source.

The charges framed against Meghen and his 14 other associates include waging war against India, extortion and procuring arms from foreign countries etc (NIA case no.10 of 2010 (special trial) u/s 121/A/120-B/122/16/17/21 UAP Act).

Meanwhile, the prosecution counsel reportedly assured the court that there would be no further hic-up in the future while producing its witnesses, said a source. The court fixed the next round of hearing on June 19 and 20, 2014.



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