Bandh strictly imposed along Imphal-Ukhrul Road


Imphal, August 14: Bandh imposers along the Imphal-Ukhrul road imposing a bandh called by the Gwalatabi Transport-Yaingangpokpi Transport Association demanding a hike in fare from Rs 25 to 40 per head for passengers commuting in Tata Magic vehicles broke the front glass of a Tata Iris vehicle today.

The vehicle bearing the registration number MN06L 8436 was coming from Imphal. The front window of the vehicle was broken after its driver refused to return from the Sabungkhok area and attempted to drive towards the Yaingangpokpi area instead. The agitators reportedly chased the vehicle till the adjacent areas of Siejang and Sabungkhok and broke its front glass at around 8:10 am.

Later, the Lamlai Police picked up three agitators identified as Seram Bombom, 27, Huidrom Itobi, 33, and Sunil, 25, at around 9:30 am.

All the arrested are drivers and time keeper of the Association, according to one of the bandh imposers.

The passenger fare was decided on 2002 by a government gazette but we demanded a hike in passenger fares from 25 to 40 rupees in accordance with changing times and the changes in the prices of fuel and spared parts, a bandh imposer on the question of anonymity said.

The Association has around 60 Tata Magics in its disposal at the service of its passengers now, he added.


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