JAC against kidnapping of driver threatens agitation


IMPHAL, Aug 22: A Joint Action Committee has been formed against the alleged kidnapping of truck driver Gopal Gautham, 28, of Kanglatombi and handyman Nawang Newmei, 23, of Tamenglong district August 13 by unknown persons at Zebra crossing near, Kohima, Nagaland.

Speaking to the media at the Manipur Press Club, convenor W Bormani said that a group meeting was held today around 9 am at the residence of Moirangthem Kullachandra Singh (owner of the truck) and formed the JAC against the kidnapping.

He further said that the JAC has decided to cease all the activities of the FCI Godown, Koirengei and FCI Godown Sangaiprou with immediate effect, till the two are release.

JAC strongly demanded all concerns to release the two safely and unconditionally on or before August 24.

Unless the two are released by the set deadline, the JAC along with other drivers will take up agitations.

Bormani also said that a memorandum was submitted today to the Chief Minister, Home minister and the truck drivers’ unions in connection with the kidnapping.


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