Minor raped, locals of Irengbam call for exemplary punishment


IMPHAL, August 12: A 13-year-old girl was allegedly kidnapped and raped in Sandabung area of Irengbam Makha Leikai by Nameirakpam Bishworjit, 20 years, son of N Shyamjai Singh of Irengbam Makha Maning Leikai.

The incident happened on 29 July at around 7 pm when the girl went to buy sweets from Purnima grocery shop, Irengbam Sumila, secretary, Association for Rural Development and Women Empowerment (ARDWE) Wing Promoter, Irengbam, told media persons at the Manipur Press Club.

She alleged that the girl was kidnapped from the Khongnang Khong Makhong area of Irengbam Makha Maning Leikai at around 7.10 pm while returning from the shop and was later taken to the Sandabung area where the accused sexually assaulted her.

After sexually assaulting the girl, Nameirakpam Bishworjit , the accused, threatened to kill her if she spoke a word about the incident to anyone and left the her alone in the place, she added.

After being asked by some reporters why the family and the local people took so long to report it to the police, Sumila responded that the family and the local people were discussing for a safe solution regarding the matter but nothing came out of it.

After learning about the girl family’s helplessness to reach out to the press and the police, Surmila said she brought the girl to the Press Club under the guidance of ARDWE, Wing promoter, Irengbam.

She informed that an FIR was lodged on 6 August at 4.45 pm in the Bishnupur police station.

The Wing promoter ARDWE, Irengbam, the locals of Irengbam and the girl’s family have demanded stringent actions against the rapist.


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