NE outfits call joint boycott of I-Day celebration


IMPHAL, Augsut 11: Several proscribed outfits of the region have jointly announced to boycott the celebration of Indian Independence Day on August 15 in the region. 

A statement of the CorCom signed by its media coordinator H Poirei has said that the Corordination Committee, Hynnewtrep National liberation Council (HNLC), Kamatapur Liberation Organisation (KLO), National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDBF), National Liberation Front of Twipra (NLFT) and United Liberation Front of Asom-I (ULFA-I) have jointly called a general strike on August 15 from 1 am to 5.30pm in the entire region of Western Southeast Asia. 

During these hours, essential services, emergency measures, media and religious activities are exempted from the purview of the general strike, it said. 

The statement said, “The peoples of the Western Southeast Asian Region are facing the catastrophe due the forcible occupation of the region by the Indian oppressive regime.” 

“Having deprived of the right to determine their own future, the people of the region are facing untold miseries. They are facing extinction in their own land due the systematic influx of mainland Indians and indigenous culture of the region is at stake due to rapid Indianisation.” 

It also said even the right to live is threatened by the imposition of many draconian laws. 

The CorCom statement also said that in the name of fighting insurgency, the India government is using every possible methods including violence, Military Civil Action Program and even population invasion – population invention from foreign who are loyal to India as well mainland India – to swamp with and capture the entire region. 

“Champion of the foreigner issue before the recent General Election of India 2014, the present Delhi regime, after the election has made an about turn and instead of keeping their election promises has now softened their policies towards the foreigners who are living in our region,” it said. 

Indian political parties are accusing each other that foreigners are “vote banks” to win elections either in state assemblies or national ones, it said before adding that government are the same; past, present, or even the future Indian regimes will act the same way for sure. 


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