Union Health Minister Harshvardhan to inspect RIMS soon


IMPHAL, August 28: The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare doctor Harshvardhan has assured to inspect the present condition of Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Manipur within a short period of time, according to sources.

A delegation of senior leaders of BJP Manipur Pradesh met the Union Health Minister in regard to the memorandum submitted on June 24 2014, highlighting him about the crisis in RIMS.

Sources said in today’s meeting the delegates have submitted another memorandum to the minister today at his New Delhi office at around 8 am.

In the memorandum, the proposal regarding promotion of RIMS to the level of AIIMS was highlighted.

It also mentioned issues on availability of life saving drugs, dressing material, necessary specialist at the time of requirement etc and referring of pathological or biochemical or radiological investigation of patient to the private clinics, and added that establishing of private clinics etc are regular trend in the State.

It further stated that in order to promote RIMS to the status of AIIMS a regular surveillance is needed. The delegation also urged the minister of bringing about good administration in the institution. It also highlighted on deficiencies in various fields like the condition of the maternity ward and non-functioning of clinical laboratories etc.

Sources continued that the memorandum also emphasised that RIMS has become a place for corruption, that even for a post of nurse about Rs 15 lakhs are being paid. Senior Doctor always advice patient to refer to private hospitals or clinics due to lack of equipment in the RIMS. The Cancer patient, heart patient have to go outside the State for treatment, it added.

The BJP delegation included Dr H Borbabu, Santikumar Sharma, S Tiken, Dr S Dhananjoy. S Rajen, Y Khemchand, N Ratan (Kapu) Th Samo, Shyamacharan and Micheal Dangmei


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