Mera Chaorel Houba celebrated


IMPHAL, September 25: `Lairema Chaorel Houba` or `Mera Chaorel Houba` was celebrated today at the Uttra Shanglen with performance of various rituals with much fanfare. The titular king Leisamba Sanajaoba was present at the inaugural of the Lairema Chaorel Houba in Uttra Sanglen but didn`™t participate in the rituals.

Salam Birendra Laishramlakpa, a priest taking part in the celebrations, said that such occasions have been performed since the days of King Meidingu Nongdalai Pakhangba but some changes has taken place in the observation since the 18th century.

The Lairema Chaorel Houba is celebrated to worship Goddess Panthoibi and to pray for a peaceful, prosperous and harmonious State. The festival is celebrated on the advent of Mera Tha, month of September- October, in the Meitei lunar calendar.

The The Ibudhou Marjing Khubam Kanba Lup, Heingang Ching also observed the day at the holy shrine of Ibudhou Marjing`™s tomb.

The lup said the day will be observed every year in the future.

Since early morning, volunteers of the lup started preparing for the observation.

General secretary Waikhom Jiten said the organisation has been revived after a long gap under the presidentship of Heingang Gram panchayat Likmabam Manihar and senior leaders of the Ibodhou Khubam Kanba Lup Heingang Ching.

The association was registered in 1998 and now after a long time it is fuly functioning and observing the rituals of the Meitei community, he said.

He said it condemns the government decision on the Umanlai Bill.


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