Two including former TSL president killed in devastating Ukhrul blast


Public mourn mayhem, TSL responds with 12-hour bandh

UKHRUL, September 18: Former president of Tangkhul Shanao Long (TSL), the apex Tangkhul women organisation, AS Dinah and her college-going niece were killed while a shopkeeper and his son were grievously wounded in a powerful bomb blast that rocked Ukhrul town’s busiest marketplace Viewland Bazaar on Wednesday evening.

Described as the cruellest explosion ever in the town, the powerful bomb blast occurred after suspected cadres of a certain militant outfit reportedly hurled a hand grenade inside a gunny bag containing nails that was kept at the entrance of M/S Nitu Glass, a hardware store located at Viewland in Ukhrul town around dusk on Wednesday.

Eye-witnesses said that around 5:20 pm proprietor of the store identified as Rajendra Chaudhary, 56 and his son Gudu Chaudhary, 35 were standing at the store entrance and removing goods to close the shop for the day when the bomb went off critically injuring Rajendra, his son Gudu and AS Dinah, 52 and her niece Lansophy Tangva, 23 who were passing by at that time.

The four were immediately rushed to the Ukhrul District Hospital for first aid treatment where Lansophy Tangva succumbed to severe head injury around 6 pm.

After first aid treatment, AS Dinah was referred to Imphal while Rajenrda and his son were shifted to CHRSC, a private clinic in Ukhrul for further treatment. The father-son duo who sustained injuries on legs and chest, are now stated to be out of danger.

However, after departing from UDH at around 8 pm, AS Dinah succumbed to multiple injuries she sustained all over her body and legs while on the way to Imphal soon after crossing Lambui on the Imphal-Ukhrul road around 9:30 pm.

Both victims AS Dinah and her niece Lansophy Tangva daughter of T Wungpam are said to be from Nungpi Khullen/Hirei village in Ukhrul district.

Lansophy was a second year BA student at William Pettigrew College in Ukhrul.

Soon after the blast, Ukhrul police and Assam Rifles rushed to the spot and inspected the spot after cordoning off the area.

No arrest has been made in this connection though. Police have claimed that the explosive device used by the miscreants in the attack could be a Chinese hand grenade hurled from a short distance.

Ukhrul police have registered a case in this connection.

No group or party has so far claimed responsibility for the Wednesday blast. And the motive behind the bomb attack could not be ascertained although sources have said that monetary demands to the hardware store could be behind the attack.

Meanwhile, decrying the heinous crime of bombing killing innocent lives, Tangkhul Shanao Long (TSL) imposed a 12-hour shutdown from 6 am till 6 pm in Ukhrul town on Thursday bringing normal life to a grinding halt. All sorts of vehicles stayed off the road while all business establishments and educational institutions remained closed for the day.

In response to the bandh call, most people also stayed off the road till 3 pm when the Tangkhul Frontal Organizations had slated for a condolence service for the two victims at the Tangkhul Naga Long Assembly Hall. However, the programme was delayed on account of delay in the conduct of post mortem on the two bodies which were brought from Imphal.

The condolence service was attended by representatives and leaders from Tangkhul Shanao Long, United Naga Council, NPMHR, Naga Women Union Chandel, Tangkhul Shanao Long Imphal, Hunphun chief, Pettigrew College, Ukhrul, Tangkhul Leihsak Long, Raphei Katamnao Long, Tangkhul Katamnao Saklong, Tangkhul Naga Wungnao Long and Tangkhul Naga Long, among the hundreds of public members.

During the service, the gathering crowd paid their last respect to the two departed souls. Various speakers expressed their condolences while exalting the magnificent service rendered by (L) AS Dinah to the public in the capacity of president as well as general secretary of the Tangkhul Shanao Long.

AS Dinah had served as general secretary of TSL for two consecutive terms from 2001 to 2003 and from 2004 to 2007.

Thereafter, she went on to become president of the apex Tangkhul women organisation and served the community from 2007 to 2010.

Soon after the conclusion of condolence service at around 6:40 pm, the mortal remains of the two victims were transported to their native place Nungpi Khullen/Hirei village for the last rites.


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