MSAD observes 118th birth anniv of Lamyanba Irabot


IMPHAL, October 1: The Manipur Students`™ Association Delhi has said that the 118th Birth Anniversary of Hijam Irabot was observed Delhi University.

According to a release of MSAD, the programme was attended by members of the association, students and lecturers at the University and paid tribute to Hijam Irabot. A discussion was also held on the theme `Hijam Irabot and His Relevance Today`™.

During the interaction, the spokespersons mainly raised the important issues such as the grave concern of the way Irabot Commemoration Day is being observed in our society today as a form of festival, without actually conveying the inner ideology of revolution. It also pointed out that in order to overcome the unrest situations and improve the conditions of Manipur society, it has become the utmost necessity that the people try their best to show in practice the ideology of liberation and classless society that was upheld by the pioneer, if the sentiment and ideals of promotion of community identity and nationalism have not been guided by the ideology of a classless society; all the initiatives and paths that have been taken up by the insurgents and civil societies to fulfill these sentiments and ideals will never achieve towards a liberation and democratic society.

Another point was that if all the strategies that have not have not been able to carry forth, clear ideology will fall into the trap of the suppressive rule and oppression and become the factors of bringing more miseries to the people and it will be unjust if the students and youth do not play important role in bringing a change or revolution, to improve the conditions of our fallen society. The association also expressed gratitude to all those who have attended the programme and raised its slogan `Unity is Victory`, it said.


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