CRA deplores State’s false solution on climate change


IMPHAL, November 10: “Development of the State should include every citizen. There cannot be development for a particular community or individual”, said Oinam Rajen, secretary, All Loktak Lake Areas Fisherman Union at the one day convention held at the Manipur Press Club here today.

The convention was organised by Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur on “Climate Change, False Solution and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Manipur.

While delivering the keynote address at the convention, Jiten Yumnam, secretary, Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur said that the consultation was organised in the context of deepening climate crisis amidst aggressive introduction of large scale development projects in Manipur.

The industrial zones and other development such as mega dams, oil exploration, and large infrastructure projects such as road and railway which involve either submergence or destruction of forest and water will ultimately contribute in climate crisis in Manipur, he added.

During the convention the participants discussed the ongoing aggressive push by the government to promote false solution to climate crisis such as reducing emission and forest degradation and deforestation.

The resolution taken during the convention were concern with worsening climate in Manipur, frequent floods, droughts, species loss etc and impact on the indigenous people’s cultures, tradition and their survival.

The meet also expressed concern over the government of Manipur’s MOUs with corporate bodies for mega dams and to drill oil and gas in Manipur. The colossal forest area submergence of these mega dams, including 27,000 hectares, by the planned 1500 MW Tipaimukh dam will aggravate climate crisis, it maintained.

It further took serious note on the increased agriculture land grabbing by mega projects such as the Film Institute, Sports University, Trans Asian Highway and Railway. Loss of agriculture land will deepen climate crisis and undermine food sovereignty of Manipur, it observed.

The meet also pointed out that increased investment of International Financial Institutions namely Asian Development Bank for mega infrastructure projects such as Imphal Town Ring Road without detailed impact assessment, option assessment and consent of communities is deplorable.

It demanded that all MOUs on mega dams should be revoked and policies that facilitate such projects, namely the Manipur Hydro Power Policy, 2012 and Manipur State Action Plan on Climate Change should be repealed.

The National Hydroelectric Power Corporation should cease all efforts to seek carbon credits and additional profits from the Clean Development Mechanism by classifying the controversial 105 MW Loktak Project in Manipur as clean and renewable energy project, it maintained.

The meet also demanded that the process of tackling global climate has unfortunately been considered as an opportunity for economic benefits. Climate crisis cannot be resolved within the framework of “market solutions” and the State should abandon all false solution to climate change that negates Indigenous Peoples’ rights.

The function was also attended by Phulindro Konsam, chairman, Committee on Human Rights and Dr RK Ranjan, senior environmentalist.


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