Demand for seperate Handloom directorate submitted


IMPHAL, Nov 3: The Handloom Promotion Council, Manipur and the Manipur Apex Handloom Weavers and handicrafts Artisans CS Society Limited, Imphal have jointly submitted a memorandun to the Minister of Commerce and Industries seeking a full-fledged seperate Directorate of Hand looms which has been demanded for the last many years.

A statement of theHandloom Promtion Council, Manipur said a memorandum including a certain demands recommended by a conference on handlooms reservation of articles for production was submitted to the minister.

According to the statement other demands include protection of the traditional large scale handloom products like “Phanek” from the power loom units; a distinctive Manipur Handloom Mark to safegaurd the unique identity of Manipur handloom, for which the Spider and Web is proposed for recommendation.


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