Meitei-Naga friction can be resolved only by mutual understanding: Muivah

The MNF team handing over a photograph of the twin statues of Oja Akaba and Oja Suisa to Th Muivah.
The MNF team handing over a photograph of the twin statues of Oja Akaba and Oja Suisa to Th Muivah.

IMPHAL, January 20: The Meitei-Naga problem should be brought to its logical conclusion through a mutual understanding between the two communities.

This was stated by Thuingaleng Muivah, the Ato Kilonsor of NSCN (IM) on December 31 last year, according to Pandam editor Shivadutta.

Shivadutta said Muivah was speaking in a meeting with the leader of Meitei National Front (MNF) and chairperson of Luchingpurel Chingsubam Akaba Ningsing Lup (LUCANIL), Chingsubam Wangambi, and executive editor of Pandam daily, N. Tomba at the Hebron Peace Camp, Dimapur.

He told IFP that the NSCN (IM) Ato Kilonsor had also said that they have different notions about their histories so the solutions they desire may be different but the solutions should meet at some point. No third party can solve the Meitei-Naga problem.

The meeting was also attended by Vice-chairman of R Suisa Trust, Mathankhui Zimik and deputy Kilonsor, NSCN (IM), Ngasathing, he said.

During the meeting, Muivah is reported to have said that there would be a time when the long standing conflict between the Meiteis and Nagas will come to an end.

`We, Nagas and the Meiteis, must determine our own destinies, and need the right person for that to happen. Chief Minister Okram Ibobi can`™t bring a mutual understanding between the Nagas and Meiteis`, he quoted Muivah.

Muivah, he said, had also said that the two communities are again on the path of mutual understanding and reconciliation due to the efforts of Oja Akaba whom Muivah described as `a man gifted by God`.

A framed photograph of the twin statues of love, peace and fraternity of Oja Akaba and Oja Suisa installed at Wakha Leima Ching was presented to Thuingaleng Muivah during the meeting accordig to the editor.

Looking at the photograph, Muivah is reported to have said that Oja Suisa believed that the Meitei-Naga problem should be brought to its logical conclusion through a mutual understanding between Nagas and Meiteis. He also expressed optimism that the two communities would arrive at an agreement at some point if they follow the paths of the two leaders, he said.

Muivah said in following the paths of the two leaders who understood histories of both the Nagas and Meiteis, and shared mutual respect for each other`™s rights, it will do a world of good. He is reported to have stated that it was incredible to find a wise and far-sighted man like Oja Akaba among the Meiteis, adding that people must remembered Oja Akaba when they face chaos and confusion.

It may be recalled that Oja Akaba and Thuingaleng Muivah set a meeting in early 2007 with the firm belief that the people of the hills and the plain must unite as they were one. Oja Akaba was assassinated before the meeting could take place but his family members and the leaders of MNF met Thuingaleng Muivah on three occasions before the meeting on December 31 last year. His Majesty, Leisemba Sanajaoba, the King of Manipur also met Muivah in the office of the steering committee of NSCN (IM) at Hebron last year.

Chingsubam Wangambi, the leader of MNF, had also met Muivah in Delhi. Meanwhile, it is worth mentioning that the twin statues of Oja Akaba and Oja Suisa will also be installed by R. Suisa Trust and LUCANIL at Kulakaphung (Mount of Mirror) in Hongmahn village of Senapati District, and will unveil the twin statues on April 17 on the death anniversary of Rungsung Suisa.


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