Yaoshang greetings


IMPHAL, March 4: Governor Dr KK Paul, Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh, Speaker Th Lokeshwar, Communist Party of India Manipur State Council and Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee have in separate press releases greeted the people of the State on the occasion of Yaoshang.

The Governor in his message said, `I heartily greet the people of Manipur on this happy and auspicious occasion of Yaoshang, 2015.`

`The festival of Holi known as Yaoshang in the State is celebrated in the onset of spring every year by the followers of Hinduism. It is a celebration symbolising the rejuvenation of the very spirit of life and the young and the old alike take part in this festival of colours.`

`The festival is marked by fun and gaiety imbued with spiritualism, leaving behind the past and looking forward to a new day with full of hope.`

`It exhorts one and all to forget their differences and strengthen their bond of unity irrespective of caste, creed or religion.`

`On healthy development that has come about in Yaoshang is the recent entry of sports as an important item during the celebration of the festival. Enthused with the spirit of Yaoshang, the emphasis in these sports is more on participating by all irrespective of age or sex.`

`Let us all celebrate Yaoshang in its true spirit with the participation of all communities and resolve to make Manipur a better and peaceful state where mutual respect and love prevail among all communities.`

Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh in his message said, `I extend my warm greetings and best wishes to the people of Manipur on the auspicious and joyous occasion of `Yaosang,` the festival of colours.`

`Yaosang, one of the biggest festivals of Manipur, is a festival of joy and reconciliation when everybody old and young enjoy with gaiety and enthusiasm. Yaosang emphasizes the message of love and the spirit of harmony and friendship amongst the different communities in our State.`

`May the festival of colours bring peace, prosperity and happiness in the state and strengthen the social fabric further.`


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