DESAM president arrested for allegedly assaulting teacher charged of corporal punishment


IMPHAL, June 17: Lamphel Police today arrested 16 members of the Democratic Students Alliance of Manipur including its president for allegedly assaulting a teacher, even as the student body charged the teacher of inflicting corporal punishment to a student.

Before his arrest, DESAM president M Angamba had called a press conference at their office demanding St Joseph`™s School authorities to expel their computer teacher Gurumayum Rupachandra Singh of Uripok Achom Leikai for meting out physical punishment to a Class VI student of the school.

Angamba said teachers are meant to teach and lead their students in the right way.

He said DESAM was approached by the parents of the children on the matter.

Rupachandra hit the class VI student 42 times continuously on his hand even after the student prayed for forgiveness, he said.

He said the student had replied in the affirmative when Rupachandra asked if they (students) cannot remain silent in the class resulting in the punishment.

Angamba also said during a meeting with the parents of the student and volunteers of the student body, the said teacher must have assaulted which happened because the student volunteers were unable to control their anger over the incident.

He said the teacher meting out corporal punishment to the student is a violation of the Right to Education Act and befitting action should be taken against him.

Demanding the St Joshep`™s School authorities to expel the teacher at once, he further asked other educational institutes not to employ the teacher.

Meanwhile, acting on a sou-moto case registered against the DESAM members, the police arrested the 16 this evening according to an official source of the police.

The report confirmed that DESAM president Moirangthem Angamba son of (L) M Saratchandra Singh of Nongada Makha Leikai is one of the arrested.

It is also said that the 16 will be produced before the court tomorrow and appeal will be made to remand them to police custody in connection to the police case.

On the other hand, teachers and students of the St Joseph`™s School today staged a sit in protest against the alleged assault of the teacher by DESAM.


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