Hunger strikers continue strike despite JCILP-govt agreement

A medical team checking the conditions of the student hunger strikers.
A medical team checking the conditions of the student hunger strikers.

IMPHAL, August 26: Even after the State government has signed an agreement with the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit and agreed to incorporate all resolutions of the two people`™s consultative meetings, the movement demanding introduction of the ILP continues.

Demanding the ILPS, a new batch of hunger strikers launched their strike today in both the Imphal East and West district.

At Thangmeiband THAU opposite waiting shed three persons Shamurailatpam Dhananjoy Sharma, 43, son of Late Sh Gourachandra Sharma of Nagamapal; Aribam Ibomcha 25, son of (L) A Brajamani of Nagampal Soram Leirak and Salam Arun, 48, son of S Jugeshwor of Nagamapal launched their hunger strikes since 7:30am.

At Khongman mangjil Oriental Club, Brahmacharimayum Narendra Sharma, 24, son of B Gopiraman Sharma of Khongman Mangjil Mamang Leikai launched his strike since 5pm of August 25 after the police arrested Gurumayum Supermass, 33, son of G Bashanta Sharma around 4pm the same day.

At Takyel Kolom Leikai Waiting Shed, three 19-year olds namely Yumnam Henkoree; Shamurailatpam Samita and Aheibam Devshri had launched their hunger strike since 2pm yesterday. All three are from Takyel Kolom Leikai.

Meanwhile, four of the DESAM volunteers who were among the 13 who escaped yesterday from the Observation Home yesterday were picked up by the authorities today around 4:30pm.

Police had also arrested six other hunger strikers today.

Meanwhile, seven new volunteers of the student body entered into hunger strikes in front of their office since 9pm today.

They are identified as Thambal Marik College student Nognthombam Naoba 18, son of (L) N Shyamkeshore; North Point Higher Secondary student Huidrom Jonshon 16, son of H Bubhon; secretary coordinate and organization Imphal West DESAM, Yensembam Ashokkumar, 17, son of Y Ingo; Wangoi Higher Secondary student Mayengbam Somorjit, 21, son of M Brojen; Thambal Marik College student Oinam Romesh Singh 17, son of O Ranjit; DM College of Science student Loitongbam Poireihanba Meitei, 20, son of L Manitombi Meitei and North Point Higher Secondary Namairakpam Chingkhi 12, son of N Ranjit.

Meanwhile, sources said nine volunteers of the JCILPS Student Wing were admitted to JNIMS by the JCILPS team after their conditions deteriorated.


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