Second round of talks inconclusive, now ball in govt`s court: JCILPS

JCILPS convenor, Khomdram Ratan speaking to media persons at the gate of the CM’s bungalow after coming out from the meeting.
JCILPS convenor, Khomdram Ratan speaking to media persons at the gate of the CM’s bungalow after coming out from the meeting.

IMPHAL, August 12: The much awaited second round of talks between the State government and the JCILPS failed to arrive at a positive conclusion today.

The talk held inside the Chief Minister`™s bungalow was a crucial determiner of whether the following days will witness more agitations or bring an end to the present turmoil. However, the latter option seem far-fetched for the time being considering the outcome of the meeting between the JCILPS spearheading the ongoing demand for the implementation of the Inner Line Permit System in the State and the government.

JCILPS convenor, Khomdram Ratan told media persons that the JCILPS have been demanding the government to include its 5-points in the ILP bill which is present under process however, at present although there are deliberations to imbibe the points in the bill, there has been no positive response from the government endorsing the demand.

The JCILPS convenor was talking to media persons at the gate of the CM`™s bungalow after the second meeting which was attended by a 20-member team of the JCILPS including technical advisors and the Chief Minister and his cabinet ministers.

Even though the marathon sitting commenced from 4 pm today and continued till late into the evening lasting about five hours, both parties failed to reach to a positive agreement.

Ratan said, the JCILPS had once again urged the government to include its five-point demand in the proposed bill.

We have done our bit, now the rest is upto the government, he said.

`We have urged our part for amendments in the proposed draft Bill, now it is left to the government to decide,` he said.

He mentioned that if the government fails to include the five points, the agitations in the State will continue.

He also clarified the misunderstanding between the JAC of Sapam Robinhood and JCILPS regarding claiming of Robinhood`™s body .

As the talks also failed to arrive to a positive conclusion, he announced that Robinhood`™s body will not be accepted.

He mentioned that the JAC members were informed about the meeting and further requested to join in, but there was no positive response from their side.

When asked why the meeting took so long he replied that their five-points has 99 pages and it takes time to explain each and every point to the government representatives.

He said that JCILPS will stick with the resolution taken during the people`™s convention setting August 15 as deadline for the government to table a Bill in the Manipur Legislative Assembly.

If the government fails to do so JCILPS will discuss with the public and launch more intense agitations.

He said that copies of the dummy bill filed by the government appointed committee were handed to them during the meeting so they were not able to study it thoroughly due to time constrains.

Ratan added that there are no more further round of talks scheduled with the State government in future, and it is left entirely to the government whether to include the 5 points raised by the JCILPS and bring a positive ending to the ILP issue.


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