KCBC choir celebrates Silver Jubilee


KANGPOKPI, Oct.7: Commemorating 25 years of praising the Almighty through their Gospel melodies, Church Choir Keithelmanbi Christian Baptist Church celebrated its Silver Jubilee today at the Church Jubilee Hall.

Established on October 7, 1990 the Church Choir commemorated its 25 years of praising the Lord under the theme `Oh Come, let`™s sing to the Lord`- based on the Christian Holy Bible Psalms 95:1.

The Silver Jubilee occasion was charmed by MLA Nemcha Kipgen as chief guest while Lamkhoseh Chongloi, pastor KCBC and Rev Sholun Haokip, Pastor Langol Independent Church attended as Minister and Speaker respectively.

MLA Nemcha Kipgen unveiled the monolith erected to commemorate the KCBC Choir Silver Jubilee celebration while Lamminthang Kipgen, circle MDC released the Jubilee Souvenir and Haotinlen Vaiphei, Chief of Molnom village released the Choir motion Album which has been dedicated by Pastor Lamkhoseh Chongloi in the presence of the local MLA and the Jubilee speaker.

ICI Central Choir, Golden Choir TBA, past and present KCBC Choir member enthralled the crowd on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion MLA Nemcha emphasized on the need to glorify the Almighty through Gospel melody in bringing peace and harmony in the society.

The MLA also calls upon every individual in the society to participate in their respective Church Choir in glorifying and spreading the love and sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ.



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