BJP shows strength with Thangmeiband rally


IMPHAL, November 19: Supporters of the BJP candidate for Thangmeiband constituency took out a rally this morning showing their strength ahead of the November 21 bye election.

The rally was participated by various communities residing in the constituency including Meiteis, Kabuis, Koirengs and others showing support to BJP candidate Khumukcham Joykishan.

The supporters wearing BJP caps and flags reached out to every nook and corner of the constituency shouting slogans endorsing the BJP and party candidate Joykishan.

The rally ended at the residence of the candidate.

Speaking to media persons in connection to the rally, Joykishan said the bye election is the opportunity to teach a lesson to the Congress party.

Charging the Congress government of distributing huge amount of money to buy the voters, he said the Congress government is using the funds meant for development to buy votes.

The use of money and muscle power to win elections cannot be applicable in Thangmeiband, he said adding that the people of Thangmeiband have awakened.

He further expressed full confidence to the people of Thangmeiband that they will help him succeed as the people are fed up of the prolonged corruption in the State.

On November 24 when the election results will be out, the rule of the Congress will be hit hard, he said indicating to a easy BJP win.

The results of the bye-election will show the people’s resistance against the Congress, he claimed.

He further claimed that the Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh and the deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam have left their offices and are involved in campaigning for the Congress candidates.

This is a clear image of the Congress being afraid of the BJP candidates, he claimed.

The Congress is afraid that if the BJP candidates win the two seats of Thongju and Thangmeiband constituencies, the two BJP MLAs will rock the State Assembly and flash all the corruption, malpractices, misuse of funds meant for the State during the last 13 years, he claimed.

He further said that it is impossible for the Congress to win the seats especially from Thangmeiband.

The rally was also participated by Meinam Bhorot, BJP Manipur president Th Chaoba, MP Lok Sabha and in charge Manipur BJP Prahlad Singh Patel among other leaders.


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